Saturday, 3 December 2011

Jantastic - spring motivation

Yeah, yeah, I know it's only a couple of days into December, but I had to share this straight away!

For a bit of context, I've been an avid listener to Marathon Talk podcasts for ages now, since I originally started "training" for the Amsterdam marathon. And if listening to people talking about training for marathons equated to real training, then I would have been much better prepared!

This is the launch video for their spring motivation series...

Yup, I've signed up already. Even though I'm currently running 1-2 times a week and their minimum option is 3 times a week. I'll get there... :)


Elle said...

Hey, did I see the White Cliffs of Dover in that bit?

Very funny - think I should have a look into that!

RainStorm said...

Try downloading one of their episodes - I love listening to them. The "Tony's Trials" section is very funny and everything else is interesting (particularly their interviews).