Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Shivery December

Gosh, it's been super-cold recently! How have you been surviving?

This is my new purple fluffy hat. It's probably a little bit OTT, but rather fabulous. Of course, being almost six feet tall means that I really stand out wearing it!

And these are my fleecy booties - essential indoor-wear at the moment. Often coupled with Christmas socks (see previous post!).

I've also done my teeny bit to spread some Christmas cheer by taking part in a Christmas Card Swap organised by Zaneta @ Runner's Luck. My cards all have to zoom their way across the Atlantic Ocean so I'm guessing they'll arrive slightly later than hoped. It's the first time I've done something like this and I'm looking forward to receiving some exciting Christmas post in the next week or so.

No snow yet though. I know it's a right hassle (especially in the UK as apparently we never learn to cope with it!) but I do love it.


Christy @ My Dirt Road Anthem: A Runner's Blog said...

I love the hat!

RainStorm said...

Thanks! I bet you've had loads and loads of snow by now :)

Cathy said...

I love it too! Take a look at some of the US bloggers - you'll be jealous! I've been wearing thermals out to walk the dogs when it's been deathly cold