Monday 17 June 2013

A few of my favourite things

Spring finally arrived. Summer might even be on it's way :) and I've mostly been very busy with work :( So I thought I'd take a break to share with you the things that have been bringing a smile to my face recently.

1) Hello Panda biscuits. I have now found a Japanese food shop that stocks these in about five different flavours. Have been through a few of these packets over the last few weeks...

 2) Summer shoes! Accidentally treated myself to two pairs of wedges whilst trying to organise an outfit for a wedding recently. They are so cute and summery...

3) Hart of Dixie. I don't know if you've ever seen this, but back in Febuary I got my hands on the box set of series one. I watched it almost non-stop in less than two weeks (1144mins on 5 discs!). It is very addictive.  And now series two is on TV so Monday nights are Hart of Dixie nights. So funny...

4) Cinema trips - there have been a lot of good films out recently. I've missed a couple (Great Gatsby and Iron Man 3), but rather enjoyed Man of Steel this weekend. A couple of weeks ago I also got to see the new Star Trek movie with was particularly good.

5) Amazing wedding food. Some friends got married a couple of weeks ago - it was a lovely day, with a back garden tipi reception. And a skiing wedding cake...

And the most amazing cheese cake...
You can check out more information about the cheese construction on the bride's food blog.

6) One of my friends posted this picture on twitter:
 I need to have a go at making these; she even shared the instructions:
I would reference this picture if I knew the original source. Sorry.


Elle said...

Hey, so happy to see your post today and glad you have been having fun... and shopping!

I have a friend who is totally addicted to those Panda sweets!

Anonymous said...

That there cheese cake is something else!!!

Cathy said...

That cheesecake reminds me of my wedding one.
Never seen Hart of Dixie, I do like Rachel Bilson though.