Thursday, 19 March 2015

Exciting plans

As Spring thinks about making an appearance, my calendar is beginning to fill up with all sorts of nice stuff.

It started with a Spa trip with some of my girlie friends last weekend. It seems to be turning into a habit that every year in March/April I plan a relaxing spa trip.

Then at the beginning of April I've booked myself onto a three day intensive ballet course. I'm equal parts excited and scared about this one. I don't think my current average of one ballet class and one gym trip a week is really going to prepare me for this! Need to be in shape.

Also in the diary is Pteraductyls - a sailing group that I'm part of. I haven't been for at least two years so I've no idea if I even still remember how to sail. Be a great opportunity to catch up with friends too.

Also in the mix will hopefully be some skiing practise. This year's sort-of-maybe ski trip didn't happen, but it's definitely still on the list so I need to keep up the practise. Plus I was starting to really enjoy it.

1 comment:

Elle said...

You DO have some fun things coming up. Can't wait to see some pictures!