Friday, 17 April 2015

Ballet Weekend: The Photographs

A more artistic look at what happened at the London Amateur Ballet Spring Intensive.

Rehearsing the Ribbon Dance (I'm hiding back left in the black leotard and long legwarmers).

In class (led by Ricardo Cervera).

Being given corrections on my port de bras.

Double pirouette!

Matching leotards - post-performance silliness in the studio!

I really did wear a tutu!


Christy @ My Dirt Road Anthem: A Runner's Blog said...

Love the pretty tutu! I always wished I could take ballet lessons when I was a kid, always looks so elegant!

RainStorm said...

Thanks! The tutu is something I always try and avoid, but once I'm wearing it then it's fine :)

Elle said...

How wonderfully lovely! You must have had such a great time and you do look so elegant and willowy! Love the pictures.

RainStorm said...

Thank you Elle! The posed pictures are one thing - if only my dancing looked at all elegant. I definitely need to work even harder on my posture and performance.