Thursday, 12 January 2012

Memorial Walk - my January hike

The calendar for January was looking chocka so I panicked a bit and scheduled in my first hike of the year: an 8 mile ramble around Windsor Great Park and the surrounding area.

The organisation was even more vague - meet at the starting point, follow the route, take some photos, stop at one of the en-route country pubs when we felt we needed some lunch, get back to the car before it was too dark to read the map and accompanying instructions!

As it turned out, this walk was a bit of a tour of memorials. First we found this John F Kennedy monument...

Closely followed by the spot where the original Magna Carta was signed...

And then, after climbing a bit of a hill...

We came across this air force memorial...

Apologies for the wonky photo - I do seem to be incapable for taking a straight picture!

After a bite to eat in the Barley Mow...

We arrived in Windsor Great Park to find this obelisk...

By this time it was starting to get dark and the camera was struggling :)

And walked up to this rather impressive horse statue...

Which included views of Windsor Castle (no decent photos as it was pretty gloomy and too far away!).

It was lovely walking with friends and catching up. Not my fastest walk of all time, but never mind - I enjoyed the chatting even more the walking!


Christy @ My Dirt Road Anthem: A Runner's Blog said...

I would have loved that walk. I love memorials. That horse one looks really neat too. Glad you had a great hike!

Rachelle Q said...

That's awesome! What a great hike. Nice job getting outside on a gloomy day:)

Elle said...

The site of the Magna Carta! I love stuff like that. I do have to come to England one day. So much history.... and the walk looks lovely too.

Unknown said...

that what looks like a perfectly relaxing day! I love to read about and see historical things, and the little place you ate at is so darn cute!

RainStorm said...

There's definitely a lot of history here! This was all a bit unexpected as I hadn't read the walk guide in detail and didn't know we were headed for so many monuments...