Friday, 24 February 2012

A brightly coloured tale

Over the last 6 months, I've quietly re-discovered crochet. It's been something easy to pick up on quiet evenings (on the few occasions that they happen!) and I find it very relaxing.

Then, last week I got ill. Nothing more serious than a bout of flu, but bad enough to be stuck at home for days on end with little energy and a woolly brain. As I recovered, I started to pick up the crochet again.

I ordered a special package from ebay...

And coupled it with a great crochet pattern from Lucy at Attic 24: summer granny square pattern...

Image from Attic24
And I got going...

They don't look quite as polished and neat as Lucy's, but I'm pleased. I'm going to make a blanket :)


Rachelle Q said...

Fun. Hope you are feeling better!

Mad Scientist said...

Well done granny :-)

Elle said...

Ah, Granny Squares... it is going to be so pretty and colorful... lovely way to use up bits and come up with something usable and fun. This will surely brighten up things when you cosy into it.

Hope you feel better soon!

Christy @ My Dirt Road Anthem: A Runner's Blog said...

Love the granny squares, this makes me want to learn to crochet! I used to be able to do a simple stitich, but no one could ever teach me as I am a lefty and they were all not!