Friday 13 April 2012

A musical interlude

On my actual birthday, between the West Midlands (for the wedding) and Scotland (for my main birthday treat), I was treated to a trip to the theatre.

I love theatre - I met A whilst working backstage during panto season and really enjoy getting involved in productions when the chance arises (normally operating the sound desk at church, which isn't quite the same, but never mind). I think I mostly get my techy fill by the odd firework display.

Anyway, enough rambling...

On Saturday we went to see Legally Blonde! I'm a big fan of the film (girlie and silly, but very well made and not toooo girlie), and this was the last night of a two-and-a-half year run at the Savoy Theatre in London. I was really excited (although I did warn A several times that it was probably not his cup of tea!).

It was fab! Much cheesier, sillier and camper than the film (which is pretty cheesy, silly and camp), but a jolly good night out. The cast were great and it's very well written. Highlights include the little doggie that plays Elle's sidekick, the UPS guy and some particularly cheesy songs :) It was such a giggly night out. Even A enjoyed it...

What a grin!


A Prelude To... said...

what a fun night! I LOVED that movie! Who didn't??, right?

Elle said...

Aw, how fun... yes, loved that movie and all the pink! Glad you enjoyed such a treat night out!