Sunday, 16 November 2014

Turing takes over!

If you follow my Twitter feed then you might be a little tired of hearing about The Imitation Game. Take heart - the film has now been released (in the UK at least, I think the US has to wait another week or so), meaning that I may soon stop going on about it!

The whole thing has been really exciting in two ways: personally and in publicising Alan Turing's name and accomplishments.

Personally, I have walked down the red carpet and met a huge range of celebrities and interesting people. Last week I got to go to Google UK headquarters for a screening, where I met Sir John Scarlett (ex head of MI6) and had a tour of their offices. They really do have sleep pods, a gym and a completely free restaurant/cafeteria!

Turing mentioned as part of a display at Google

But what is truly amazing is the effect that the film is having. My Twitter and Facebook feeds are filling up with positive reviews. It seems to be winning awards left, right and centre. My uncle even had a double page spread in The Times on Thursday (and a mention on the front page)!

Every time someone sees the film, they will realise what a special person Alan Turing was. At the rate we're going, it will touch millions of people, many of whom will never have heard his name before. I continue  to be overwhelmed with pride and excitement on a daily basis.


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