Monday, 16 February 2015

Ribbon flower

In the last week or so, I have been bombarded by sewing/craft inspiration. It started with WestyWrites writing a couple of posts about digging out her sewing machine and trying out some new projects (which you can read here and here). Then I realised that the Great British Sewing Bee is back on, so I promptly downloaded the current episodes in iPlayer to catch up on.

All this caught up with me yesterday whilst I was having a lazy Sunday evening in front of the TV. Out came the ribbons and buttons box...

The result: a slightly wonky but rather charming flower.


Elle said...

Lovely! Makes me think of Spring and Easter. Fun craft by the looks of it.

Christy @ My Dirt Road Anthem: A Runner's Blog said...

This makes me wish my sewing machine was fixed, I really need to take it in! It has been broken for about 4 years now! Nice flower ribbon!