Wednesday, 4 February 2015

This Girl Can

There's a fabulous advert out in the UK at the moment which I want to share...

I was reading ChristyRuns this week and she wrote about the throw like a girl advert, which is pretty inspiring:

But I've got to say that This Girl Can is even better!

Most of my readership is US based (according to my blog stats), so you probably haven't seen it. Each time it pops on the TV, I get re-inspired. I'm sure it's actually got me to the gym on more than one occasion in the last month!

This Girl Can...

... make it to a ballet lesson after a tough day at work and push my muscles and flexibility to the edge.

... run every step in a half marathon, even if it is pretty slow.

... swim lengths, and keep swimming, and keep swimming.

... kick it in a karate or kung fu lesson.

... jump on a spinning machine or rowing machine for 20-30 minutes, even on a stupidly busy day.

This Girl Can

1 comment:

Elle said...

That really IS awesome. Love it and thanks for sharing.