Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Lazy day bank holidays

Sometimes we make a really effort to make the most of three-day weekends: maybe a drive to Wales or the Peak District to go hiking, planned visits to friends (especially those with babies - there seems to be more of them all the time!), making sure we have some quality time.

Sometimes, however, the luxury of three days off work kind of evaporates before you eyes - driving here and there for different errands and social engagements can leave me feeling drained rather than refreshed.

I hate that feeling when, rather than flowing into each other, plans seem disjointed. I've loved catching up with my old school friends, trekking round Ikea looking at pretty house stuff and running the sound in church, but I'm left wondering where the time went!

And I didn't even do any exercise (unless you include trying to lift a sofa into a car...).


Elle said...

A bank holiday? What was it called?

Hope you got caught up a bit on some sleep, too.

RainStorm said...

@Elle - it wasn't anything special - we just have a bank holiday at the beginning of May. As for sleep, I tried to get to tons! :)

Cathy said...

You mention the peaks - that's where we went on Monday as it was Bank Holiday - I wanted to do something different. It was my first time to the Peaks and I loved it.