Thursday 17 May 2012

How to live well?

After allowing myself to get stressed over several things recently, a friend pointed me in the direction of Zen Habits.

The guy running it seems to have a clear, sensible philosophy:

"Zen Habits is about finding simplicity in the daily chaos of our lives. It’s about clearing the clutter so we can focus on what’s important, create something amazing, find happiness."
Taken from the Zen Habits blog

I'm feeling inspired!

I'm going to take one item from his "how to live well" list to focus on for a short while (maybe a week, maybe three) in an attempt to become a little more relaxed and generally happier!

First focus: You need very little to be happy. Finding the small joys in life - clean laundry, a pretty notebook, a text from a friend, etc. I will be looking for these things and appreciating them :)


Elle said...

Great idea!

Our lives became so much simpler when we shed ourselves of a lot of STUFF and moved onto the boat.

One of my greatest pleasures became a sunshower at the end of the day, off the transom of the boat under the evening sun.

It is so easy once you get used to just being open to loving simple things.

I know you will be happier, too.

Good friend you have there!

Rachelle Q said...

Good for you! That statement is so true, yet so hard to put into practice. Thanks for the reminder:)